Tracy A. Flynn
Tracy A. Flynn has held numerous and various positions in the Insurance industry with most of her work and her passion dedicated to the Worker’s Compensation arena. She currently holds the position of Worker’s Compensation Claims Manager with Johnson Controls covering manufacturing plants nationwide. For the last 12 years, she has worked with State Funds in CA, WV, various TPA’s , employers and brokers throughout the United States as well as serving on numerous advisory committees, State boards and agencies, generally focused on Worker’s Compensation reform, law, risk and administration. She currently sits on the Tennessee and Michigan Self Insured Managing Boards and is an active member of numerous other States Self Insured Associations as well as local and national RIMS, Risk Management Society. She was awarded Insurance Professional of the Year by the Insurance Association of Metro Detroit in 2009 and has attained the designation of Associate in Claims and Associate in Service. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from Sonoma State University and is working on completing her MBA.