TNSIA Membership

Membership Fees for Self-Insured Employers, High Deductible Employers & Government Entities (Municipalities): $500 | Membership Fees for Associate Members: $750 | Important Notice: A portion of TNSIA’s annual budget is paid to the new TNSIA PAC. Political contributions are not tax deductible. TNSIA dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes, but may be partially deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. TNSIA estimates that ten percent (10%) of your dues is not deductible because of TNSIA's lobbying activities on behalf of its members.

  • Please list: First & Last Name, Email, Phone
  • Please Select One of the Following
  • Price: $500.00
    Membership Fees Self-Insured Employers $500 | High Deductible Employers $500 | Government Entities (Municipalities) $500
  • To pay by credit card, select Online/Paypal as your option. To pay by check select Offline and an invoice will be emailed to you. Please note, cancellation refunds will exclude PayPal Fees.